What would it look like for me to be part of the MOSTY Internship?

The MOSTY Internship is 11-months of service-learning in Prague, Czech Republic with 6 months of pre-field preparation before leaving for Prague and 2-3 months of follow-up and coaching after returning to your home culture and church.

Before departing for Prague

Application is submitted by the December deadline and is followed by evaluation for acceptance to the MOSTY Internship. Through the next 6 months you will receive basic training through the sending mission agency and the MOSTY team which is needed for ministry service in Prague. A key aspect is getting to know you, to determine your “fit” and the creation of your ministry description, and creating development goals. In addition, you will be raising financial and prayer support during this time.

In Prague

The Internship starts with arrival in Prague at the beginning of August. This month is for getting oriented to the city, culture, and to life basics here. You will begin this journey together with other MOSTY Interns and will participate in Learning Community with them and others throughout the length of your MOSTY Internship. You will be learning some basics of the Czech language, and getting to know others that will be on the journey with you.

From September through June, each MOSTY Intern will be involved in active ministry in different ministry locations and will continue to meet as part of the Learning Cohort. Your role will be defined to include a part-time role serving in the local church, a volunteer role outside the church that will provide you more opportunities to get to know and build relationship with unchurched people, and meeting weekly or bi/weekly as a Learning Cohort with other interns and ministry leaders to focus on applying what you are learning in your ministry placements and for prayer and fellowship.

Along the way, we will pause for retreats and to check and adjust things together. You will be meeting monthly with a coach to help you navigate ministry, relationships, culture, and adjust to the challenges of everyday cross-cultural life and ministry.

Returning to your home culture

Our desire is to send you back to your own culture at the end of the MOSTY Internship with a plan for transitioning back into life and ministry, with several months of coaching conversations to encourage you in that, and with a leader from your local church to help you land well and find ways to apply what you have learned to life there.


As a description of what a week might look like as a MOSTY Intern, here is a sample weekly schedule for a MOSTY Intern serving with:

  • youth ministry in a local church (Blue boxes)
  • relational ministry volunteer with Teen Challenge (Red boxes)
  • part of missional community and a discipleship group (Yellow boxes)
  • missional focus of missional community is sport and skateboarding
  • some overlaps with youth ministry and relational ministry
  • learning community and personal development (Purple boxes)

Example schedule